Accordo tra Algeria ed Argentina per accrescere la cooperazione sull’energia nucleare

Energia, Nord Africa, paesi emergenti
Algeria, Argentina, accordi energia
Daily Star     08118

Accordo tra Algeria ed Argentina per accrescere la cooperazione sull’energia nucleare

– L’Algeria ha sottoscritto un accordo per il nucleare civile con l’Argentina della presidente Kirchner, dopo un simile con la Francia, a giugno, e altri con USA, Russia, UAE, Libia, Tunisia e Giordania.

– Sottoscritti altri due accordi Algeria-Argentina per la operazione nei media e settore sanitario.

Dopo la visita al centro di ricerca nucleare costruito dagli argentini nei pressi di Algeri e l’incontro con 70 rappresentanti economici algerini, la Kirchner si recherà anche Tunisia, Egitto e Libia.

Daily Star        08118

Algeria, Argentina agree to boost cooperation on nuclear energy

By Agence France Presse (AFP)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

–   Algeria and Argentina signed an agreement Monday to boost cooperation over civil nuclear energy Monday as Argentine President Cristina Kirchner continued her tour of northern Africa. The energy deal was signed by Algerian Energy and Mining Minister Chakib Khelil and Argentina’s Minister for Federal Planning Julio de Vido.

–   Meanwhile, President Kirchner met with Algerian President Abdel-Aziz Bouteflika for a second day of talks. She will later visit Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

–   Algeria signed a similar nuclear energy deal with France in June. It already has agreements with the US, Russia, the UAE, Libya, Tunisia and Jordan.

–   Kirchner was due to visit an Argentine-built nuclear research center near Algiers later Monday before attending talks with around 70 businessmen in the Algerian capital.

The two countries also signed Monday two other agreements to enhance cooperation in the media and health sectors. – AFP

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